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Version: v0.19.1


Variables in noir can be declared mutable via the mut keyword. Mutable variables can be reassigned to via an assignment expression.

let x = 2;
x = 3; // error: x must be mutable to be assigned to

let mut y = 3;
let y = 4; // OK

The mut modifier can also apply to patterns:

let (a, mut b) = (1, 2);
a = 11; // error: a must be mutable to be assigned to
b = 12; // OK

let mut (c, d) = (3, 4);
c = 13; // OK
d = 14; // OK

// etc.
let MyStruct { x: mut y } = MyStruct { x: a };
// y is now in scope

Note that mutability in noir is local and everything is passed by value, so if a called function mutates its parameters then the parent function will keep the old value of the parameters.

fn main() -> pub Field {
let x = 3;
x // x is still 3

fn helper(mut x: i32) {
x = 4;

Comptime Values


The 'comptime' keyword was removed in version 0.10. The comptime keyword and syntax are currently still kept and parsed for backwards compatibility, but are now deprecated and will issue a warning when used. comptime has been removed because it is no longer needed for accessing arrays.


Noir also supports global variables. However, they must be known at compile-time. The global type can also be inferred by the compiler entirely. Globals can also be used to specify array annotations for function parameters and can be imported from submodules.

global N: Field = 5; // Same as `global N: Field = 5`

fn main(x : Field, y : [Field; N]) {
let res = x * N;

assert(res == y[0]);

let res2 = x * mysubmodule::N;
assert(res != res2);

mod mysubmodule {
use dep::std;

global N: Field = 10;

fn my_helper() -> Field {
let x = N;

Why only local mutability?

Witnesses in a proving system are immutable in nature. Noir aims to closely mirror this setting without applying additional overhead to the user. Modeling a mutable reference is not as straightforward as on conventional architectures and would incur some possibly unexpected overhead.